Results for 'Door Lodewijk Buschkens'

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  1. Belangen behartig i ng• In Brussel.Door Lodewijk Buschkens - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Geheimnis und Verborgenes im Mittelalter.Dominik Büschken, Anne Sowodniok, Maximilian Stimpert, Svenja Trübenbach, Steffen Kremer & Sebastian Winkelsträter - 2017 - Das Mittelalter 22 (2):456-461.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Das Mittelalter Jahrgang: 22 Heft: 2 Seiten: 456-461.
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    Erasmus herleeft: naar een nieuwe renaissance.Lodewijk S. Beuth - 1977 - Den Haag: Voorheeve.
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    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, 1632-1723: L'exercise du regard. Philippe Boutibonnes.Lodewijk Palm - 1996 - Isis 87 (4):728-729.
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  5. Boekbesprekingen/Comptes Rendus.Lodewijk Palm - 2015 - Studium 8 (2):243-249.
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    The Fabric of Life: Microscopy in the Seventeenth Century. Marian Fournier.Lodewijk Palm - 1998 - Isis 89 (3):543-544.
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    Danielis Heinsii P.P. Operum Historicorum Collectio...: Sectio Prima.Benedictus de Spinoza, Lodewijk Meijer & Daniel Heinsius - 1673 - Apud Isaacum Herculis.
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  8. Goedheid en schoonheid.Karel Lodewijk Piccardt - 1946 - Amsterdam,: J.H. de Bussy.
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    Het wezen der kunst.Karel Lodewijk Piccardt - 1937 - Amsterdam,: H. J. Paris.
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    (1 other version)Die Wahrheitsfrage in der transzendentalen Deduktion der reinen Verstandesbegriffe.Willem Lodewijk van Reijen - 1970 - Kant Studien 61 (1-4):339-356.
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    Moral education and the International Baccalaureate learner profile.Lodewijk van Oord - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (2):208-218.
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    Nietzsche.Herman Lodewijk Alexander Visser - 1933 - Zutphen,: W. J. Thieme & cie..
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  13. Europese pensioenenbom tikt door.Door Johanna Boogerd - forthcoming - Idee.
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    The Principles of Cartesian Philosophy: And, Metaphysical Thoughts.Benedictus de Spinoza, Steven Barbone, Lee Rice, Lodewijk Meijer & Shirley Samuel (eds.) - 1998 - Indianapolis, IN, USA: Hackett Publishing.
    Samuel Shirley's translations of Baruch Spinoza's Principles of Cartesian Philosophy and Metaphysical Thoughts along with commentary, introduction, and analytic tables.
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    The Argument from Design: Some Better Reasons for Agreeing with Hume.Gary Doore - 1980 - Religious Studies 16 (2):145 - 161.
    I. The argument from design or ‘teleological argument’ purports to be an inductive proof for the existence of God, proceeding from the evidence of the order exhibited by natural phenomena to the probable conclusion of a rational agent responsible for producing that order. The argument was severely criticized by David Hume in his Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion , and it was widely conceded that Hume's objections had cast serious doubt on the adequacy of the teleological argument, if not destroyed its (...)
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    William James and the Ethics of Belief.G. L. Doore - 1983 - Philosophy 58 (225):353 - 364.
    There is widespread agreement among philosophers that William James's well-known attempt to justify religious faith in ‘The Will to Believe’ is a failure. But despite the fact that James wrote his essay as a reply to the ‘tough-minded’ ethics of belief represented by such thinkers as W. K. Clifford and T. H. Huxley, the reasons commonly given today for rejecting James's position seem to be mostly based on the same principle of intellectual ethics that motivated Clifford and Huxley. Clifford, it (...)
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  17. 29 Feiten & Cijfers.Door Marijn Bosman - forthcoming - Idee.
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  18. De Verenigde Naties en, de Rec, hten van·.Door Peter Baehr - forthcoming - Idee.
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  19. Economische én sociale dynamiek versterli. en.Door Bert Bakker - forthcoming - Idee.
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  20. D66 _opheffen? Graag zelfs!Door John Bijl - forthcoming - Idee.
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  21. Het rivierlandschap bedreigd.Door Pieter Bol - forthcoming - Idee.
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  22. Een ongelijke strijd?Door Johanna Boogerd - forthcoming - Idee.
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  23. Gooi het kind niet met. het.Door Gerhard Brunsveld - forthcoming - Idee.
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  24. Hoe moet· de nieuwe overheid opstaan?Door Gerhard Brunsveld - forthcoming - Idee.
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  25. EU mee.Door Hein Cannegieter - forthcoming - Idee.
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  26. In goede banen.Door Sw Couwenberg - forthcoming - Idee.
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  27. Pleid'ooi voor een progressief konvooi.Door Hans Crebas - forthcoming - Idee.
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  28. Schijntje of diepte-investering?Door Erik Dees - forthcoming - Idee.
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  29. Wie is de liberaalste.Door Erik Dees - forthcoming - Idee.
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  30. Wilde vrijheid.Door Wilfried Derksen - forthcoming - Idee.
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  31. (1 other version)Contradiction in the Will.Gary Doore - 1985 - Kant Studien 76 (1-4):138-151.
  32. Christelijke traditie.Edy Korthals Altes Door - forthcoming - Idee.
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  33. Een voorbeeld van d. u'u rzaam heid!Door Gerard Doornbos - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Functionalism and absent qualia.G. Doore - 1981 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 59 (4):387-402.
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    Mackie on personal identity.G. L. Doore - 1982 - Mind 91 (364):593-598.
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  36. Naar een ander platteland.Fr Door - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Religion within the Limits of the Quest for the Highest Good.G. L. Doore - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (3):345 - 359.
    In this paper I want to discuss a certain way of understanding the concept of religion which I think is more satisfactory than other ways that have often been proposed in the literature, arguing, in brief, that the way to an adequate understanding does not lie through an analysis of the concept of ‘worship’ or ‘the worshipful’ or any notions derivative from these, as some writers have maintained, but instead through a comparative analysis of the various concepts of a ‘highest (...)
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    The 'Radically Empiricist' Interpretation of Early Buddhist Nirvāṇa.Gary Doore - 1979 - Religious Studies 15 (1):65 - 70.
    In a recent book on the historical development of Buddhist thought, the author, David J. Kalupahana, has presented the thesis that early Buddhist philosophy, as found in the Pali Nikāyas and Chinese Āgamas, is radically different from that of later Buddhism, and supports his claim by tracing the historical divergence of the later schools from original Buddhism as he reconstructs it. He then goes on to assert that not only does early Buddhism differ philosophically from the later schools, but also (...)
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  39. Oog voor Afrika.Door Marianne Douma - forthcoming - Idee.
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  40. De toekomst van de gezond-heidszorg in de verzorgingsstaat.Door Heleen M. Dupuis - forthcoming - Idee.
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  41. De duurzame stad.Door Doeke Eisma - forthcoming - Idee.
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  42. De meuwe nnSSle van Veronica.Door Patricia Engels - forthcoming - Idee.
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  43. Burgerschap en individualisering.Door René Gabriëls - forthcoming - Idee.
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  44. De gemeenschap en het grotere Europa.Door Hans Glaubitz - 1993 - Idee 14:17-20.
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  45. De San Francisco-motie.Door René Heikens - forthcoming - Idee.
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  46. Hulp helpt en hulp moet.Door Hille Takken En Peter Hermes - forthcoming - Idee.
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  47. Marktwerking of verrijking?Door Michiel Herter - forthcoming - Idee.
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  48. De onzekere gang van het internation'aal recht.Door Jan Hoekema - forthcoming - Idee.
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  49. Commentaar.Door Philip A. Idenburg - forthcoming - Idee.
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  50. De Toekomst van Politieke partijen.Door Philip Idenburg - forthcoming - Idee.
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